
高加索人種(英語:Caucasian race, Caucasoid),[1]或称欧罗巴人种(英語:Europid, Europoid),是歷史上被認為是一個過時的生物分類階元[2]人種劃分,主要分佈在歐洲北非非洲之角西亞中亞南亞北美北亞南美大洋洲[3]這個術語在體質人類學中用於來自這些地域的很多人群,與人類膚色沒有必然性關聯。[4]高加索人種的种族主要有雅利安人種閃米特人種含米特人種,還包括烏拉爾語系民族等。

  1. ^ For a contrast with the "Mongolic" or Mongoloid race, see footnote #4 of page 58–59 in Beckwith, Christopher. (2009). Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-13589-2.
  2. ^ Sankar, Pamela. MEDLINE definitions of race and ethnicity and their application to genetic research. Nature Genetics. June 2003, 34 (2): 119 [2020-09-01]. ISSN 1546-1718. PMID 12776106. S2CID 8927634. doi:10.1038/ng0603-119. (原始内容存档于2021-03-10) (英语). 
  3. ^ Coon, Carleton Stevens. The Races of Europe. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1939: 400–401. This third racial zone stretches from Spain across the Straits of Gibraltar to Morocco, and thence along the southern Mediterranean shores into Arabia, East Africa, Mesopotamia, and the Persian highlands; and across Afghanistan into India[...] The Mediterranean racial zone stretches unbroken from Spain across the Straits of Gibraltar to Morocco, and thence eastward to India[...] A branch of it extends far southward on both sides of the Red Sea into southern Arabia, the Ethiopian highlands, and the Horn of Africa. 
  4. ^ Grolier Incorporated, Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 6, (Grolier Incorporated, 2001), p.85

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