
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
亚界: 真後生動物亞界 Eumetazoa
演化支 副同源异形基因动物 ParaHoxozoa
演化支 浮浪幼虫样动物 Planulozoa
门 (生物)


浮浪幼蟲樣動物學名:Planulozoa)是副同源异形基因动物的一個演化支,不同學者對其定義有所差異,現在多被用以指稱包含刺胞動物門两侧对称动物的演化支,為扁盤動物門姊妹群[1],但其原始定義將扁盤動物門也包含其中,即將浮浪幼蟲樣動物視為副同源异形基因动物的異名(senior synonym)。[2][3][4][5][6]


  1. ^ Eitel, Michael; Francis, Warren; Osigus, Hans-Jürgen; Krebs, Stefan; Vargas, Sergio; Blum, Helmut; Williams, Gray Argust; Schierwater, Bernd; Wörheide, Gert. A taxogenomics approach uncovers a new genus in the phylum Placozoa. bioRxiv. 2017-10-13: 202119 [2020-02-05]. doi:10.1101/202119. (原始内容存档于2018-11-18). 
  2. ^ Edgecombe, G. D.; Giribet, G., “Perspectives in Animal Phylogeny and Evolution”: A decade later, University of Padova Press, 2019-01-15 [2019-07-17], ISBN 9788869381409, (原始内容存档于2020-04-16) (英语) 
  3. ^ Aleshin VV, Petrov NB (2002) Molecular evidence of regression in evolution of metazoa. Zh Obshch Biol 63(3):195-208
  4. ^ Laumer, Christopher E; Gruber-Vodicka, Harald; Hadfield, Michael G; Pearse, Vicki B; Riesgo, Ana; Marioni, John C; Giribet, Gonzalo. Support for a clade of Placozoa and Cnidaria in genes with minimal compositional bias. eLife. 2018-10-30, 7. ISSN 2050-084X. PMC 6277202可免费查阅. PMID 30373720. doi:10.7554/elife.36278 (英语). 
  5. ^ Schuchert, Peter. Trichoplax adhaerens (Phylum Placozoa) has Cells that React with Antibodies Against the Neuropeptide RFamide. Acta Zoologica. 1993-03-01, 74 (2): 115–117. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6395.1993.tb01227.x. 
  6. ^ Syed, Tareq; Schierwater, Bernd. The evolution of the placozoa: A new morphological model. Senckenbergiana Lethaea. 2002-06-01, 82 (1): 315–324. ISSN 0037-2110. doi:10.1007/bf03043791. 
  7. ^ Layden, Michael J., Cnidarian Zic Genes, Zic family, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1046, Springer, Singapore: 27–39, 2018, ISBN 9789811073106, PMID 29442315, doi:10.1007/978-981-10-7311-3_2 (英语) 

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