


学术界一般认为火药发明于7世纪的中国,为当时中国术士炼制长生不老药英语Elixir of life时意外得到的副产品。[1]火药配方的书面记载可早至唐代的《太上圣祖金丹秘诀》。[2][3]火药的发明同时也促生了烟花和原始火器在中国的出现,其后火器也相继在阿拉伯欧洲印度等地出现,而一般认为欧洲的火药技术得自阿拉伯人的技术传播。[4]西方最早有关火药的书面记录可见于英国哲学家罗吉尔·培根于13世纪的记录。[5]

  1. ^ Jack Kelly Gunpowder: Alchemy, Bombards, and Pyrotechnics: The History of the Explosive that Changed the World, Perseus Books Group: 2005, ISBN 978-0-465-03722-3, ISBN 978-0-465-03722-3: pp. 2–5
  2. ^ Peter Allan Lorge, The Asian military revolution: from gunpowder to the bomb, Cambridge University Press: 32, 2008, ISBN 978-0-521-60954-8 
  3. ^ 王兆春著《中国军事科学通史》解放军出版社 2010,125页
  4. ^ Buchanan 2006,第2頁 "With its ninth century AD origins in China, the knowledge of gunpowder emerged from the search by alchemists for the secrets of life, to filter through the channels of Middle Eastern culture, and take root in Europe with consequences that form the context of the studies in this volume."
  5. ^ Joseph Needham; Gwei-Djen Lu; Ling Wang. Science and civilisation in China, Volume 5, Part 7. Cambridge University Press. 1987: 48–50. ISBN 978-0-521-30358-3. 

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