
克里斯多福羅·蘭迪諾亞歷山德羅·維爾盧泰洛英语Alessandro Vellutello所註解的《地獄英语Inferno (Dante)》、《煉獄英语Purgatorio (Dante)》與《天堂英语Paradiso (Dante)》(梵蒂岡宗座圖書館藏,1564年)

神曲(意大利语:Divina Commedia,英语:Divine Comedy),是意大利诗人但丁·阿利吉耶里创作的长诗,約於1308年開始創作,1321年前後完成。《神曲》被廣泛看作義大利文學的經典[1]及世界文學的瑰寶[2],詩中對死後世界的描寫向後人展示了十四世紀西方教會的世界觀。全詩以托斯卡納方言寫成,為日後的標準義大利語奠下基礎。[3]

《神曲》敘述但丁本人遊歷地獄煉獄以及天堂的旅程[4],描寫人死後的情況與神聖正義的獎懲[5]。但丁的行程象徵人對上主的皈依:首先是地獄,象徵「認罪」;其次是煉獄,象徵基督徒的「悔改」;最後是升至神前的天堂[6]。但丁借鑑了中世紀天主教神學思想,特別是多瑪斯·阿奎那神學大全》(Summa Theologica)的托馬斯主義基督教哲學[7],因此《神曲》又被稱為「韻文大全」(Summa in verse)[8]埃里希·奧爾巴赫認為但丁首創將人類描述為特定時間、地點和環境的產物,人類從此跳脫出神話原型,抑或惡習與美德的集合體。《神曲》的想像世界開創了現代小說的寫實主義和自我描摹傳統。[9]

  1. ^ For example, Encyclopedia Americana, 2006, Vol. 30. p. 605: "the greatest single work of Italian literature;" John Julius Norwich, The Italians: History, Art, and the Genius of a People, Abrams, 1983, p. 27: "his tremendous poem, still after six and a half centuries the supreme work of Italian literature, remains – after the legacy of ancient Rome – the grandest single element in the Italian heritage;" and Robert Reinhold Ergang, The Renaissance, Van Nostrand, 1967, p. 103: "Many literary historians regard the Divine Comedy as the greatest work of Italian literature. In world literature it is ranked as an epic poem of the highest order."
  2. ^ Bloom, Harold. The Western Canon需要免费注册. 1994. ISBN 9780151957477.  See also Western canon for other "canons" that include the Divine Comedy.
  3. ^ Lepschy, Laura; Lepschy, Giulio. The Italian Language Today. 1977. 
  4. ^ Peter E. Bondanella, The Inferno, Introduction, p. xliii, Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003, ISBN 1-59308-051-4: "the key fiction of the Divine Comedy is that the poem is true."
  5. ^ Vallone, Aldo. "Commedia" (trans. Robin Treasure). In: Lansing (ed.), The Dante Encyclopedia, 181-84.
  6. ^ Dorothy L. Sayers, Hell, notes on page 19.
  7. ^ Charles Allen Dinsmore, The Teachings of Dante (Ayer, 1970), p. 38, ISBN 0-8369-5521-8.
  8. ^ The Fordham Monthly页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Fordham University, Vol. XL, Dec. 1921, p. 76
  9. ^ Michael Dirda, Introduction to Auerbach's Dante: Poet of the Secular World 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期29 November 2022. (New York: New York Review Books, 2007), pp. viii–ix. ISBN 978-1-59017-219-3

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